Get Clear on Your Goals | Reach for Your Dreams

Today we’re going to look at why it is important to get clear on your goals and then we’ll go through a simple process to help you do that.

Getting clear on your goals may come easily for you. However, If you’re like me, it may be a bit more challenging to see through the blur. Perhaps the waters of clarity are muddied by other responsibilities, expectations or limiting beliefs. Still, clarity is absolutely essential if goals are going to be pursued effectively.

Print out a copy of my free Get Clear on Your Goals worksheet below.

Step one:   Look at recent past, list the top 9 things you want to improve. Remember to keep this balanced by choosing 1-2 things from each area of the 6 human needs.

I’ll make up an example scenario a we go.

For physiological: Get into shape. New apartment.

For Safety: Seek therapy to heal from past trauma.

For Love & Belonging: Set aside regular time with my family. Call a friend.

Esteem: Earn my degree. Read more books..

Self-Actualization: Volunteer at local animal shelter.

Variety: Plan an outing once per month to try something new.


Step two, narrow it down

 What 3 things in your life could you change for the biggest impact?

What would bring you the most joy/peace/purpose/fulfillment? Think“biggest bang for your buck”.

→ 1. Get into shape 2. Therapy 3. Earn my degree

 For a real life example, for me it was nailing down my homeschool routine with my kids in a way that also worked for them, thus eliminating nearly all residence. This alone ended up creating a chunk of time in my day to work on things like this channel/blog!

 Step three, think about if you were to make these changes, what would your life look like? How would you feel?

→I would feel better, have more energy and confidence. I would feel so much lighter happy to let go of past hurts and heal. I would feel so empowered and excited about the next chapter in my life.


Step four, for each of the 3 life changes you listed above, write 2-5 action steps you can start making within the next week toward these goals.

→For goal 1. Get into shape: 1. Commit to begin 10 minutes 5 mornings each week by February 1st. 2.Login to my profile tomorrow to mentally prepare 3. Make sure I have my shoes, headphones, workout clothes ready the night before.


→For goal 2. Therapy: 1. Commit to scheduling an appointment by the end of this month. 2.Begin researching local therapist and asking around. 3. Start a note listing the main things I want to work on when I meet my therapist


→ For goal 3. Earn my degree: 1. Research the schools I’d like to attend and know application(s) process by March 30th. 2. Decide if a tour is needed it and schedule that in accordance with the school’s policy

Step five, how would you need to schedule your week and your days in order to make these changes? How much time do you need and how many days per week?


Goal 1: I need 10 minutes 5 mornings each week to begin. I will aim to add on 2 more minutes in 2 weeks.

Goal 2: I need 20 minutes twice per week to research. I need an hour and a half weekly once I begin therapy.

Goal 3: I need 2 hours 2 days a week for a month to research schools and apply.


After you’ve completed your worksheet, hold onto it for the next step which is Writing Down Your Goals. The next step will be your final draft if you will, when all the hard work of digging deep comes together to give you a roadmap to not only reach for your dreams but to journey towards them.   

Keep in mind, I am not against setting more than 3 goals at at time, remember when I talked about the vision board we picked 1-2 things I each area of human needs- this would be between 6-12 goals… What I am advocating is that you just choose 1-3 to focus on for the next 1-3 months or until you feel you’ve nailed down a routine in working towards those goals before adding the next 1-3 goals to your “active pursuit” so to speak.

I’m excited to hear how your goal setting and process is going, let me know i the comments!


Identify Your Core Values |identify values worksheet