Identify Your Core Values |identify values worksheet


What is a core value and why should we identify our core values? Core values are the principles we feel resonate with our beliefs…They are characteristics and/or ways of living and being which, we deem so important that we desire to base our life’s decisions on them.

For example, some core values may be community service, honesty, adventure, and family.

 It is super important to know what our core values are because oftentimes we think we know what’s important to us, but when we take a closer look, we realize that the way we spend our time and energy does not align with our values. Incongruence is such a common thing; it seems to be normal to live a life that isn’t the life we believe in our hearts we should be living.

To give you an example of living incongruent with your values... Let’s say your core value is to have a peaceful life, yet you work at an extremely stressful job, you allow toxic friends to monopolize your time and you don’t do anything with regards to securing a time of peace in your day. Are you taking the steps required for living a peaceful life? Are you setting boundaries around your time and space? Are you carving out time for yourself to exist in the peaceful manner you envision as your core value?

If not (as in if you’re not doing whatever tasks would support your particular values), that’s why I’m writing this post. You are not alone. So many times, we are unaware just how incongruent our lifestyle is from our core values because we live in a crazy, busy world where we are often unable to finish a thought before the next distraction comes along.  

I want you to know, you can reach for your dreams and journey towards the life that aligns with your core values. You only need to take a few minutes to identify them, and in another step on another day you will get more specific about how to live out your values. Today, let’s talk about how to identify your core values.

It’s a good idea to set aside about 10-15 minutes for this activity.

 Print out the free identify your core values worksheet down below.

Sit down, close your eyes and take 5 deep breaths in through your nose, out through your mouth. Next, with your eyes still closed, spend 2-3 minutes doing 1 of the following (you may need to experiment if you’re new to meditation, the goal here is to clear your mind just for a moment).

1.     Focus on your breathing

2.     Visualize numbers 1-10, one at a time, each in a different color…go nice and slow and then go back down to 1.

3.     Listen to a short, guided meditation on a free app like Insight Timer, or YouTube. 


After you’ve quieted your mind, set the intention to identify your core values and then read over the list, putting a check mark next to all the items that feel important to you.

Once you’ve gone through the list, now you’ll need to go through it again, this time selecting only around 5 items. Use a highlighter to mark them.  

It’s really that simple.

Now that you’ve identified your core values, you are well on your way towards your dream life. The next steps you won’t want to miss are Get Clear and after that, Writing Down Your Goals. In these next steps we will look at why it’s so important to get clarity on a goal, how to get really clear on goals and the purpose and process for writing down your goals.


Get Clear on Your Goals | Reach for Your Dreams


Reach for Your Dreams | Shallow Goals