Things to Put on a Vision Board

Vision Boards can be an incredibly effective tool when used correctly. We’re going to make one together that will help you live the balanced and full life of your dreams. We’re going in include material wealth in your 2024 vision board, and also holistic wealth. I hope as you reach for your dreams that your inner happiness is a priority. To make sure the things you put on your vision board are balanced, we’re going to quickly review Maslow’s Heirarchy of needs-I found this particular chart on Dr. Sarah Eaten’s blog, linked below.

Below is a list linking each need to a some possible way to address growth and progress. As you look over this sample list, grab a pen and piece of paper, write down 1-2 big Goals (think achievable in 1-5 years) for each area.

1.     Physiological -Food, water, shelter.  → Health, Home

2.      Safety -physically safe, stable life (living arrangements, income, health) →Wellbeing

3.     Love & Belonging-friends, family, significant other  →Relationships

4.     Esteem- self esteem, confidence, achievement, respect of self & others, feeling of accomplishment. →Milestone/Occupation/Career/Project

5.     Self-Actualization -morality, creativity, helping others, intrinsic happiness → Feeling at peace, a sense of fulfillment

Though not on this chart, there is 6th human need identified by Tony Robins, that being …

6.     Variety → Outings/Events/Adventure/ Travel


This is a sample list of goals to set in each area for our example vision board. It’s so important to not set too many goals at once, 1-2 for each area is plenty.

1.     Health – Become a Bicyclist & Home-Rent an apartment near my job

2.     Wellbeing -Learn to manage my depression, Be happier

3.     Relationships- Spend more time with family & friends

4.     Esteem- Get a promotion at work

5.     Self Actualization- Practice gratitude everyday

6.     Uncertainty & Variety -Take a trip to Hawaii

Of course, there is more involved with goal setting than just making a vision board. In my post Focus in on Goals I share  8 steps to achieving your goals. Be sure to read that one next, if you missed it. In this post, we’ll focus on creating a solid vision board.

Now for supplies. First, we need a background. You can use a simple sheet of paper, a poster board, a bulletin board or if you’re feeling fancy you could use a poster frame. Scissors. Something to adhere photos to the background. Think tape, glue, thumbtacks (bulletin board). Finally, you’ll need some photos. You could use old magazines (libraries often have free magazines available, ask friends, family or in a Facebook community group) or my favorite way -you could print some photos from the internet. Something to hang it on the wall. Just keep in mind the image size when printing so you don’t accidentally print full-page images.

I went to and used their free images. (they just ask that we credit the photographer)

I searched for an image for each goal, printed them, cut them out and taped them on.

I like to add texts to mine, I did just one on this sample board to give you an idea. I find adding phrases to be more powerful for me personally than the images alone, at least for some of the images.

Finally, it’s time to pick a spot and hang it on your wall. Somewhere you will see it everyday.

Be sure to look at your vision board every single morning (and evening too if you can swing it) to fill yourself with motivation, anticipation, and excitement. Stay tuned for my coming soon post, Write down your goals, to help you in your next step towards making your dreams come true.

Have a lovely week  🖤


Reach for Your Dreams | Shallow Goals


Mindset Coaching: Shifting to Positivity